
Raising a Concern

Protocol for answering emails

If you need to email the school please use the office@abbotsripton.cambs.sch.uk address only.  This is checked daily during term time and emails can be forwarded to the member of staff concerned. 

We aim to acknowledge emails within 2 working days of receipt (this does not apply to school holidays). Depending on the nature of the email - we aim to provide you with a full answer within 10 working days (this is in line with other communication policies such as the complaints policy which can be accessed through our website); we will always work to answer you as quickly as possible. Please be aware that some enquiries may take longer to deal with, however you will be kept informed of how we are progressing with the matter in question.

Please refrain from emailing members of staff directly, if you have something confidential to send and do not wish it to be seen by office staff - please send it as an attachment and mark the email as confidential. This will then be passed directly onto the Headteacher or member of staff concerned.

Of course if you have something urgent that you need to tell us either call the office or make an appointment with the class teacher in the first instance.

Thank you for helping us to keep communications running smoothly