
Our Current Curriculum

Please see below for our half termly curriculum maps which give an overview of the curriculum content for each half term.  These are emailed to parents each half term to support you in understanding what your children will be experiencing during their time in school and to support you in supporting them. 
For our full curriculum overview in the Reception class please visit the Early Years tab on our website or click here
In planning our curriculum for your children we have been supported by Development Matters - a document for all early years practitioners. It offers a detailed overview of how children develop and learn and has supported us to to design an effective early years curriculum, building on the strengths and meeting the needs of the children.
If you would like to read this document, please click here.
In planning our curriculum we have also ensured that we meet the requirements of the educational programmes in the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). If you would like to read this document, please click here.